Monday, January 21, 2013

Social Media- The Way of Today

20 years ago we had direct mail, telemarketers galore, newspapers, and magazines to advertise and market companies, brands, and business. With newspapers at a dying rate, due to the internet, and magazines at an all-time low, and direct mail now seen as spam and useless, companies are trying to find the new way to keep up with branding and marketing.

The way of the marketing world is changing...Day by day. With Social Media at a rising peak, and Google ruling the world as we know it, business owners and companies of all sizes are trying to keep up with the with all the social media sites. From Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and the new boom of Pinterest, many CEO's and business owners are wondering if it's worth the time to invest in any of these social sites. As many of us know, one of the sayings in business is "Time is money." Same with investing in social media marketing. The way of the world as we know it day by day is evolving to the use of the internet, ruled by Google, and using social media sites as marketing outlets. So with this being said, "The way of Today", is becoming marketing on the internet via social media.

And if you do invest in the time and money in social media. You have to wonder.

- Are you marketing and branding yourself on social outlets in the correct way?

-Do you have valuable and appealing content to your demographics and audience?

-Are you consistent with your audience and following via social media?

These are all valuable questions you need to ask yourself and be aware of.

So ask yourself? Are you ahead of the curve in all aspects with branding, trending, and the use of social media? Are you investing the right amount of time and strategy into marketing on the social web? Are you afraid or willing to became apart of The Way of Today?

I am curious to hear your thoughts on how you view social media as a business owner, company, marketer, or just as a person.

Thank you for your eyes that allowed you to read.

James Harper

Connect with me via Social Media

Twitter- @JHarperMedia

Facebook- James Harper

Linkedin- James Harper

Pinterest- James Harper 


  1. I think Social Media has ruined peoples communication skills outside of the social sites haha....who knows though?


  2. A lot of people would agree with you. But is it safe to say that you use it for promotions?

  3. Yes, people can use it for promotions and other marketing related strategies. Using social media tools requires very little money, but requires a lot of time and effort. Tools of these sort are for your audience's interaction. It is a way to reach out to them and it is still them who can create a network for you, a network that you can build relationships with.

    Sage Aumick

  4. Sage,

    Thank you for the response, and thanks for reading. And yes, I couldn't agree with you more. Social Media does require a lot of time and effort. The biggest myth of social media is that it's "free" and can be done at "lunchtime" in a business setting.

    James Harper
